Dove Purely Pampering nourishing lotion
Buna! Bine ati revenit! Va voi povesti despre lotiunea de corp de la Dove si anume Purely Pampering nourishing lotion cu crema de fistic si magnolie. Trebuie sa recunosc ca niciodata nu m-au atras lotiunile de corp (prefer uleiurile), in special cele de la Dove si asta se datoreaza faptului ca intotdeauna aromele lor mi s-au parut intotdeauna clasice, iar asta nu este un lucru care sa ma atraga la un produs. Ca sa ma convinga sa il ridic de pe raftul magazinelor un produs trebuie sa imi fie intai si intai estetic vizual, iar apoi sa ma dea pe spate cu mirosul. Da stiu, o sa spuneti sa nu judec o carte dupa aparente, dar hei, la capitolul asta sunt ceva mai superficiala *wink*
Ceea ce pot sa va zic despre aceasta lotiune de corp este faptul ca mai am jumatate de sticla si o termin ceea ce m-a uimit chiar si pe mine! Are un miros foarte placut usor floral, dulceag care persista pe piele timp indelungat, Mi-am facut dus si a doua zi dimineata nu numai ca inca se simtea, dar si cearsafurile aveau o aroma foarte placuta de curat, de dimineti de duminica :) .
L-am aplicat imediat dupa dus si a intrat in piele imediat astfel ca nu mi-a lasat pielea unsuroasa si am putut sa ma imbrac rapid si sa ies pe usa fara sa am senzatia aia ca mi se lipesc hainele de corp si cred ca stiti foarte bine despre ce vorbesc!
Ah, si am uitat sa mentionez ca lotiunea asta chiar imi hidrateaza pielea! Recomand!
Hi! Welcome back! Today I will tell you about a body lotion from Dove, mainly Purely Pampering nourishing lotion with pistachio cream and magnolia. I have to confess that body lotions never were my cup of tea (I'm more of a hydrating oil kinda girl), and in particular the Dove ones as I always found their smells to be very classic and this is not a thing that attracts me in a product. To persuade me into picking it up from the shelves the product needs to be not only aesthetically pleasing, but also nice smelling. Yes, I know! You'll tell me not to judge a book by its cover but I'm shallow like that when it comes to beauty and I'm a sucker for cute packaging *wink*
What I can tell you about this body lotion is that I only have half a bottle left and that even shocked me! It has a very nice floral aroma, a little sweet and it lasts a very long time. I took a shower and the next morning not only was I still smelling of it, but also my sheets had a very nice and soft smell of cleanliness and Sunday mornings.
I applied it immediately after shower and it didn't leave that oily dewy residue on my skin so that I could get dressed and leave without feeling like my clothes were sticking to my body. I think you know what I'm talking about!
Oh! And I forgot to mention that it really hydrates my skin! I recommend it!
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