Primele impresii - First Impressions Garnier Pure Active Micellar Cleansing Water
Bine ati revenit pe blogul meu! Astazi m-am gandit sa va prezint primele impresii pe care mi le-a facut apa micelara de la Garnier si anume Pure Active pentru ten mixt spre gras si piele sensibila. In postarea anterioara v-am aratat ca am luat-o din DM la reducere, iar acum sa vedem ce aduce nou fata de sortimentul anterior :) (Garnier Cleansing Water pentru piele sensibila). Vreau sa mentionez ca eu am ten mixt adica clasicul - zona T uleioasa, iar restul fetei este uscat.
In primul rand, pe sticla este scris faptul ca nu are parfum insa cand am desfacut capacul am simtit un usor miros de spirt, dar este aproape insesizabil, deci pentru mine nu constituie o problema.
In ceea ce priveste demachierea se comporta exact ca apa micelara cu capacul roz :) adica demachiaza foarte bine si foarte repede tot ceea ce tine de machiaj pe baza de praf/lichid (pudre, fond de ten, si asa mai departe), iar pentru produse pe baza de gel sau waterproof trebuie sa insistati daca nu vreti sa folositi sa zicem un demachiant bifazic ( Garnier 2 in 1 Express eye make-up remover).
Eu de cand am cumparat-o am folosit-o cu sfintenie in rutina mea de dimineata si de seara.
Am observat ca fata de cea cu capacelul roz care dupa demachiere imi lasa o senzatie lipicioasa pe piele si apoi imi simteam tenul usor uscat (desi pe sticla scrie ca nu necesita clatire) Garnier Pure Active nu are acelasi efect, in sensul ca pare sa functioneze foarte bine pe tenul meu si chiar nu e nevoie sa ma clatesc cu apa dupa ce ma demachiez. Iar daca printre cititorii acestui blog se afla persoane care nu au mai incercat apa micelara pana acum vreau sa mentionez ca nu ustura ochii asa ca folositi-o cu cea mai mare incredere pe toata fata :). Spun asta pentru ca pana anul trecut nu m-am incumetat sa incerc apa micelara de orice fel de teama ca ma vor ustura ochii.
In concluzie, recomand Garnier Pure Active asa ca lasati-mi un comment sa imi spuneti cum vi se pare daca ati incercat-o, daca o veti incerca sau daca aveti alte sugestii de ape micelare bune :)
Pe alta data!
Today I thought I’d present to you my first impressions of
the Garnier Pure Active Micellar Cleasing Water for combination to oily and
sensitive skin and maybe tell you a bit about the what novelties this product
brings in comparison with the old micellar water for sensitive skin. I want to
mention that I have combination skin with the classic – oily T zone and the
rest of the face is dry.
Firstly, they say on the bottle that it has no perfume, but
when I first opened the bottle I felt a slight whiff of sanitary alcohol. However,
that smell is close to nothing so it doesn’t represent a problem for me.
As for the actual make-up removing process I can say that it
does the same thing as the other cleansing water from Garnier in the sense that
it removes perfectly powder/liquid based products. In the case of gel or
waterproof products you need to be firmer and persist with the soaked cotton
pad, if you don’t wanna use a biphase make-up remover. (such as Garnier 2 in 1
Express eye make-up remover)
I’ve been using it religiously in my morning and night
routine since I’ve bought it. I’ve noticed that in comparison with the other
micellar water that left a sticky feel to my skin and then I would feel my skin
dry ( the label said it doesn’t need rinsing) the Pure Active does not have the
same effect. It works perfectly on my skin and I don’t need to rinse after
removing my make-up as I used to do after using the other micellar water. If you’ve never use micellar water before I
want to tell you that it doesn’t burn or itch your eye area. I wanted to
mention that because till last year I was afraid of using these types of
clenasers as I thought they would hurt my eyes.
My conclusion is that I recommend the Garnier Pure Active so
leave me a comment below if you used it, are planning on using it or if you
have other suggestions of micellar waters.
See you later!
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