Review crema de maini EOS - Evolution of Smooth


Trebuie sa va zic ca eu nu m-am omorat niciodata dupa cremele de maini si mi se parea un moft cand vedeam cate o colega pe la liceu, pe la facultate ca isi scotea tubuletul de crema din geanta si incepea sa isi maseze meticulos manutele. De cativa ani am inceput sa cochetez cu ideea de crema de maini dar doar din simplul motiv ca ma atragea ambalajul sau mirosul, insa dupa 2 folosiri ori le uitam undeva intr-un sertar ori le dadeam mai departe mamei sau surorii mele.

Am inceput cu clasicele creme hidratante de la Nivea si Dove, insa acestea le folosesc doar seara sau pe timpul zilei acasa pe post de masca in momente in care pielea de pe maini imi este agresiv de deshidratata, de exemplu dupa ce iau contact cu apa dura sau dupa ce spal ceva cu vreun detergent destul de puternic.  Nu suport senzatia aceea unsuroasa pe maini - por el nombre de Dios! imi aluneca orice lucru pe care pun mana! Am incercat sa ma dau cu crema la facultate si apoi nu mai puteam tine pixul in mana... Si cred ca nu sunt singura deranjata de situatiile de genul! Deci, ce sa facem cand avem nevoie de putina hidratare dar nu vrem sa fim neindemanatici/neindemanatice?

Am pentru voi solutia perfecta! Crema de maini EOS unisex

  • e foarte buna de tinut in geanta
  • contine unt de shea, aloe si cacao
  • miroase foarte bine si light, iar aroma persista destul de mult pe maini
  • ambalajul e foarte dragut,
  • pretul zic eu ca este decent pentru o crema de maini buna 
  • are o textura light oarecum aerata iar nivelul de hidratare tine cam 5 ore din momentul aplicarii, nu este o crema intens hidratanta tocmai de aceea nu lasa pelicula aceea unsuroasa pe piele si trebuie reaplicata la cateva ore, 

O gasiti pe Carespot  in mai multe sortimente la pretul de 20 lei :)


I have to tell you that I’ve never been one to care about hand creams or lotions and honestly I thought that was  just girls being picky and I would always see girls in college or uni getting out their hand lotion tubes and start meticulously massaging their hands. About 2 years ago I actually started fancying the idea of hand cream but only because I liked the packaging or the smell of some of them, but after using them about 2 times I would pass them on to my sister or my mom.

I started out with the classics Nivea and Dove, but I just use them at night or in the daytime at home as hand masks when my hands feel aggressively dehydrated, for example I use them after I take contact with harsh  water or I wash things with an aggressive type of detergent. I cannot stand that oily sensation that classic hand cream leaves on your hands – for the love of god! I drop all everything I put my hands on, they just keep slipping. I tried using hand cream in uni but I kept dropping my pen and that bothered me and I think I’m not the only one bothered by this type of situation. So…what do we do when we need a bit of hydration but we don’t want to seem clumsy?

I have the perfect solution for you! Eos unisex hand lotion
  • Very good size for your handbag
  • It has shea butter, aloe and cacao
  • It smells really good and light and the aroma lasts a long time
  • The packaging is really cute
  • The price is pretty decent for a good land lotion
  • It has a light texture and the hydration level is pretty good, it lasts about 5 hours from the moment you apply it and because it is not an intensely hydrating cream you have to reapply it during the day but that is why it doesn’t leave that oily sticky feel on your hands. 



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