
Buna! Am revenit dupa o pauza indelungata de acomodare la noul meu loc de munca si va prezint ultimele achizitii in materie de carti. In ultima perioada mi-am gasit un refugiu in carti si lucrul asta imi face si drumul pana la munca si inapoi mult mai placut decat sa stau sa analizez ultimele trenduri din metroul din Bucuresti (hihi). Asa ca sa lasam palavrageala si sa va arat ce titluri am adaugat la colectia mea de carti J

Hi! I have returned after a long break in which I tried to adjust to my new job and I wanna show you what I’ve bought and what I’ve been reading lately. I’ve found a haven in my books and reading lately and I much prefer it rather than analyzing the latest fashion trends of the Bucharest underground on my way to work (hihi). So let’s cut the crépe and start talking business.

De la Bookfest – Salonul International de carte mi-am luat clasicul To Kill a Mockingbird  de Harper Lee, desi am citit-o mi-a placut foarte tare coperta si faptul ca era editie aniversara si nu o aveam in biblioteca (doar in format electronic). Tot de la Bookfest am mai luat Gone Girl  de Gillian Flynn( pe care am citit-o pe nerasuflate pentru ca imi plac foarte tare cartile cu mister si actiune) , Nu genul acela de fata  de Lena Dunham (a fost cam pierdere de bani daca ma intrebati pe mine, nu a fost atat de amuzanta pe cat ma astepta, asta poate si pentru ca umorul Lenei Dunham este ceva mai bizar si mai greu de inghitit) si Bossypants  de Tina Fey( pe care la fel am citit-o pe nerasuflate si m-a facut sa rad, scrisul este foarte dinamic si nu iti ramane timp sa te plictisesti)

I’ve bought the classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, although I’ve already read it I liked the cover very much and the fact that was an anniversary edition made me pick it up the shelf because I only had it in electronic format. I also bought Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I ate it all up it was that good! I love mystery and action books. I also got Lena Dunham’s Not that kind of girl which if you ask me is kind of a waste of money. I didn’t like it, I didn’t find it as funny as I expected but also I think that happened because Lena Dunham’s humor is a bit bizarre. Also, from Bookfest I got Tina Fey’s  Bossypants which I founf extremely funny, her writing is very dynamic leaving you with no time to get bored.

Am dat o tura si pe la Antic Exlibris (cel de pe Str. Doamnei). Cei ce cunosc acest anticariat/discount store stiu ca te poti pierde ore intregi pe acolo uitandu-te la carti si la marea de pixuri/sticky notes/carnetele/agende si alte minunatii de genul asta, iar eu fiind un mic junkie pentru chestii dragalase de papetarie am plecat acolo cu o agenda foarte draguta cu mustati pe coperta, un carnetel cu inchidere magnetica si cu desen cu metroul din Londra si cu un set de sticky notes pe care abia astept sa incep sa le folosesc :))( momentan mai am un set pe care incerc sa il termin).  Am mai plecat de acolo si cu Centaurul  de John Updike (pe care inca nu am apucat sa o citesc).
I took a sneaky stroll through Antic Exlibris (Bucharest) and those who know this place can agree with me when I say that you can literally get lost there, in all that cute stationary and needless to say me being a little sucker for cute stationary I left with a cute planner, a little notepad and a sticky notes set which gives me butterflies by just looking at it. I also got The Centaur by John Updike.

Am mai dat si o tura prin Carturesti Carusel  de unde am plecat cu Casa de la Riverton de Kate Morton (Mersi, Deliaaaa! <3). Secrete combinate cu razboi si presarat cu putina poveste de dragoste, yes please!

I also went to the new and already famous Carturesti Carusel ( if you are not from Romania take note that this is a very cool place to visit when you come here) and left with The House at Riverton by Kate Morton which is a beautifully written book. It’s a story filled with secrets and wars and with a hint of a love story. Just my kind of book!

Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe detalii despre carti sau despre orice altceva si aveti sugestii va invit sa imi lasati parerile voastre in comentarii!

 If you want me to do a review for any of the books or if you have any other suggestions and comments let me know in the comments!

xoxo, D


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