Masca de par cu avocado - Avocado Hair Mask


In ultima vreme din cauza schimbarilor pe care le-am tot facut parul meu a inceput sa se ingrase mai repede, iar din cauza vopselei varfurile sunt uscate si despicate asa ca am folosit o masca foarte eficienta din doar 3 ingrediente ( pe 2 dintre ele sigur le aveti prin frigider) si care se face foarte usor in mai putin de 10 minute .  
Ingredientele sunt *drum roll* AVOCADO ( n-ati fi ghicit, asa-i? J ) , suc de lamaie si ulei de masline.

-Jumatate de avocado
-Un sfert de cana de ulei de masline
-2 linguri de suc de lamaie

Le amestecati pe toate intr-o pasta (nu arata foarte apetisant, dar vestea buna e ca nu trebuie sa o mancati :D) si se aplica pe parul umed pentru 30 de minute apoi va spalati parul ca de obicei. Eu il samponez si nu mai aplic balsam
pentru ca masca este super hidratanta si nu mai e nevoie si de el.

Voi ce masti folositi?


Lately my hair has been getting greasier due to the changes I’ve been making to I and because of the hair dye I now have split ends so I’ve been using a very effective hair mask. It’s made of only 3 ingredients and I’m sure you already have 2 of them in your kitchen. It takes less than 10 minutes to make it. 
The ingredients are *drum roll* AVOCADO ( you wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years! J ), the juice of a lemon and olive oil.

-Half an avocado
-Quarter of a mug olive oil
-2 tablespoons of lemon juice

You mix them all and mush them in a paste ( it doesn’t look too appealing, but the good news is that you don’t have to eat it!)  you apply it on damp hair, keep it on for 30 mins and then wash your hair like you always do. I shampoo my hair but don’t apply anymore conditioner because the mask gives my hair the hydration it needs and it does whatever the conditioner does.  

What masks do you use?



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