- Pamper Sunday - Rasfatul de Duminica -
Don’t know about you guys but I like my coffee inside and
out. After I make my coffee I usually keep the dregs in a container and I use
it to make a scrub. This makes me so proud of myself because I’m also wasting
less. So today I want to show you a very easy scrub recipe with the remaining coffee
which you can make in just a matter of minutes.
Nu stiu despre voi dar mie imi place cafea atat pe dinauntru
cat si pe dinafara. Dupa ce imi fac cafea la ibric de obicei pastrez zatul
ramas intr-un recipient ca sa imi fac gomaj din el. Chestia asta ma face sa fiu
si mai multumita de mine pentru ca less waste :D. Asadar astazi va prezint o
reteta extreme de usoara de scrub cu cafea pe care il puteti face in doar
cateva minute.
After you have savored your morning coffee (or lunch :D) drain
the dregs and mix it with some coconut oil, sugar, cinnamon and an essential
oil of your choice. I used a vanilla
essential oil because I think that it works best with the combination of
ingredients. Mix, mix, mix and reaaady! In just a matter of minutes you made a
natural ingredient scrub that has a lot of benefits for your skin.
Dupa ce v-ati savurat cafea de dimineata (sau de pranz :D)
strecurati zatul ramas si apoi il amestecati cu ulei de cocos, zahar, scortiosara
si un ulei essential preferat J.
Eu il folosesc pe cel de vanilie pentru ca mi se pare ca merge cel mai bine in
combinatia asta de arome. Amestecam , amestecam, amestecam si gataaa! In doar
cateva minute am facut un scrub cu ingredient natural care au proprietati
fantastice pentru piele.
2 lg cafea
2 lg zahar
1 ½ lg ulei cocos
½ lg de scortisoara
Cateva picaturi de ulei essential vanilie
2 spoons of coffee
2 spoons of sugar
1 ½ spoons of coconut oil
½ spoons of cinnamon
A few drops of vanilla essential oil
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