Cremeria Iris -Istible Gentle Eye Cream Review ( RO & EN)
Astazi am sa va vorbesc despre o crema pe care o folosesc deja de ceva vreme asa ca am avut o perioada destul de buna in care am testat-o. Crema asta a ajuns in viata mea exact la momentul potrivit pentru ca imi cautam ceva cu care sa imi hidratez zona sensibila din jurul ochilor.
Today I want to talk to you about a cream that I'[ve been using for a while, so I've had a lot of time to test it. This cream made it in my life at the perfect moment because I was on the look-out for something to moisturize my under eye area.
A venit si vremea rece asadar crema asta mi-a salvat pielea. Primul lucru pe care l-am observant cand am desfacut flaconul de crema a fost parfumul foarte placut si foarte subtil. Imi place foarte mult mirosul mi se pare extreme de delicat si feminine. Vreau sa incep prin a va spune ca are o textura foarte usoara si placuta. Atuni cand iau crema sa imi pun pe fata caldura degetelor o face sa devina putin lichida, dar nu curge.
Cold weather is here so this cream saved my life. The first thing I noticed when I opened it was the very subtly perfume. I really like it and the scent is very delicate and feminine. It has a very light texture. When I take it in between my fingers the warmth akes it a bit runny , sort of liquidy but it is very nice on the skin,
Atunci cand o aplic nu am nevoie sa folosesc o cantitate foarte mare pentru ca este o crema foarte hidratanta si imi ajunge sa aplic un varf de dege pentru toata zona de sub ochi. Hidrateaza foarte bine, intra repede in piele si mentine zona hidratata timp indelungat. Are tot felul de bunataturi natural in ea cum ar fi: unt de cacao si de shea, avocado si acid hyaluronic pentru un effect anti-rid. Ce imi place foarte mult la aceste produse este ca sunt naturale si romanesti si sustin cu drag produsele locale. Daca v-a placut acest review vizitati pagina Cremeria, recomand cu incredere produsele lor.
When applyng it you don't need a very big quantity as it is very hydrating and a tip of a finger is more than enough for your under eye area. It moisturizes beautifully and the skin absorbs it like a sponge. The skin remains hydrated for a long period of time It has all kinds of goodies in it such as: shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado and hyaluronic acid for that anti-wrinkle effect. I love the fact that these products are natural and made in Romania by romanians and I fully support and respect the love and care that they invest in their products.
If you liked this review visit their page and spread the love! I truly recommed their products! Cremeria
xoxo, D
Today I want to talk to you about a cream that I'[ve been using for a while, so I've had a lot of time to test it. This cream made it in my life at the perfect moment because I was on the look-out for something to moisturize my under eye area.
A venit si vremea rece asadar crema asta mi-a salvat pielea. Primul lucru pe care l-am observant cand am desfacut flaconul de crema a fost parfumul foarte placut si foarte subtil. Imi place foarte mult mirosul mi se pare extreme de delicat si feminine. Vreau sa incep prin a va spune ca are o textura foarte usoara si placuta. Atuni cand iau crema sa imi pun pe fata caldura degetelor o face sa devina putin lichida, dar nu curge.
Cold weather is here so this cream saved my life. The first thing I noticed when I opened it was the very subtly perfume. I really like it and the scent is very delicate and feminine. It has a very light texture. When I take it in between my fingers the warmth akes it a bit runny , sort of liquidy but it is very nice on the skin,
Atunci cand o aplic nu am nevoie sa folosesc o cantitate foarte mare pentru ca este o crema foarte hidratanta si imi ajunge sa aplic un varf de dege pentru toata zona de sub ochi. Hidrateaza foarte bine, intra repede in piele si mentine zona hidratata timp indelungat. Are tot felul de bunataturi natural in ea cum ar fi: unt de cacao si de shea, avocado si acid hyaluronic pentru un effect anti-rid. Ce imi place foarte mult la aceste produse este ca sunt naturale si romanesti si sustin cu drag produsele locale. Daca v-a placut acest review vizitati pagina Cremeria, recomand cu incredere produsele lor.
When applyng it you don't need a very big quantity as it is very hydrating and a tip of a finger is more than enough for your under eye area. It moisturizes beautifully and the skin absorbs it like a sponge. The skin remains hydrated for a long period of time It has all kinds of goodies in it such as: shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado and hyaluronic acid for that anti-wrinkle effect. I love the fact that these products are natural and made in Romania by romanians and I fully support and respect the love and care that they invest in their products.
If you liked this review visit their page and spread the love! I truly recommed their products! Cremeria
xoxo, D
Chiar ma gandeam sa incerc si eu produsele lor, dar mi s-au parut on the expensive side.
ReplyDeleteAsa este! Sunt expensive dar you're getting your money's worth :) Poti sa incepi cu o cantitate mai mica sa vezi cum iti merge. Alea sunt mai accesibile si chiar daca sunt mici crede-ma ca sunt spornice :D Let me know daca le vei incerca :*