Train your brain - Productivity series
Today I wanna talk to you about
productivity. This is a very controversial subject J) and I’m not saying I’m the
most productive person in the world because I’ve been struggling and battling
procrastination for a long time now( Haha, I’m saying I’m battling it like it’s
some sort of disease), but lately I’ve been handling myself pretty well and I
wanna share that with you. First of all, I wanna say that this isn’t an easy
task. I am in fact a very lazy person so listen to me when I say that you can
do this. You have to train your brain and it took me
a long time to actually convince myself that this is what I have to do. The key
is your own will. So enough
with the background details let’s get into it!
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre
productivitate. Este un subiect destul de controversat si nu spun acum ca eu as
fi cea mai productive persoana din lume pentru ca ma chinui si ma lupt cu
procrastinarea de ceva timp (ma rog, statul de geaba si lenea). Si spun asta de
parca ma bat cu vreo boala incurabila, dar in ultima vreme m-am tinut destul de
tare pe pozitie In ceea ce priveste productivitatea si m-am gandit sa impart si
cu voi. Nu e o treaba usoara. Sunt o persoana foarte lenesa asa ca ascultati la
mine cand spun ca si voi puteti reusi! Trebuie doar sa va educati creierul si mie mi-a luat ceva sa ma conving ca asta
trebuie sa fac. Cheia este propria ta vointa. Asadar destul cu detaliile hai sa
intram in paine!
Bea multa apa
Este foarte important sa bei apa
atunci cand lucrezi petru ca te energizeaza si reduce oboseala asadar daca tu
iti ajuti corpul dandu-I apa si el la randul lui te va ajuta mentinandu-te
treaz si focusat pe sarcinile tale.
Stay hydrated
It is important to stay hydrated
when you are working as water increases energy levels and it relieves fatigue
so if you help your body by giving it
water, your body will help you by keeping you awake and focused on your tasks.
Educa-ti creierul
Aceasta este partea cea mai grea
dar daca ajungi sa intelegi treaba asta atunci esti gata de drum! Treaba
complicate aici este ca trebuie sa inveti sa gandesti structurat si sa iti
prioritizezi actiunile si sarcinile. Cateodata imi e usor doar sa mi le pun in
ordine in ganduri insa cand creierul este oboist imi place sa pun lucrurile pe
hartie. Un al doilea lucru pe care trebuie sa il faci este sa iti iei un moment
in care sa te gandesti cu adevarat la ceea ce trebuie sa faci si ce inseamna
lucrurile respective pentru tine. Sunt important? Conteaza pentru tine? Daca ai
raspuns cu Nu la cel putin una dintre aceste intrebari atunci cu siguranta nu
ar trebui sa faci acele lucruri asadar nu iti irosi energia si atentia cu ele.
Train your brain
This is the hardest thing, but if
you master this particular case then, my friend, you are good to go! The complicated
thing here is that you have to think in a more structured manner and try to
prioritize your tasks. Sometimes I just think about what I have to do but
sometimes when the brain is tired I actually have to put things down with the
old school pen and paper. A second thing you need to do here is sit down and
think about the things that you have to do and analyze what they mean. Are they
important to you? Do they matter? If you answered No to any of the questions
then you shouldn’t be doing those things so they don’t require your undivided
O noua placa
Sta s-ar putea sa sune ca ceva ce
doar o persoana delasatoare ar spune dar incercati intotdeauna sa pastrati un
spatiu ordonat cand lucrati. Un spatiu curat si organizat te va ajuta sa te focusezi
pe sarcinile tale.
Clean slate
This might sound like something a
procrastinator would say but always try to keep a clean when you are working. A
clear space gives you clarity and the ability to focus on your tasks. Clear
space equals a clear mind.
Gaseste o pozitie care sa te ajute
sa te concentrezi pe lucrurile pe care le faci. Eu am observant ca atunci cand
stau in picioare sunt mai productiva pentru ca ma face sa ma simt mai active.
Position yourself
Find a position that helps you
concentrate on the things you are doing. I find that when I am standing up I am
more productive than when I am sitting down as it makes me feel more active.
Detaseaza-te de tehnologie
Cand lucrez de obicei imi opresc
notificarile notificarile, ORICE tip de notificare in afara de mesaje si
apeluri pentru ca oricine are nevoie urgenta de mine ma poate contacta
telefonic in loc sa foloseasca vreun site de socializare. Acest lucru ma ajuta sa ma concentrez pe o
perioada de timp indelungata si nu sa stau sa imi verific telefonul odata la 5
Tech detach
When I’m working I usually turn
off my notification, EVERY type of notification except messages and phone calls
because I believe that if it’s something important the people that need to
contact me will call or text message me rather than using facebook messenger or
whatsapp or any kind of app. This helps
me stay focused for a longer period of time and I don’t stop to check my phone
every 5 minutes.
Oricand m simt lenesa sau nu prea
productiva imi setez mici recompense. Asadar daca reusesc sa ma ocup de sa
zicem peste 80% din sarcinile pe ziua respective ma voi recompense cumva :D fie
cu o baie cald, cu ciocolata sau chiar cu o pereche noua de sosete, nu stiu,
orice simti nevoia, dar sa nu trisezi sis a folosesti acest caz ca pe o
consolare pentru ca nu ai reusit sa iti atingi scopurile pe ziua respectiva.
Gaseste lucruri mici care sa te motiveze sa iti atingi scopul final.
Reward yourself
Whenever I’m feeling lazy I’ll
usually set a little reward for myself at the end of the day. So if I get let’s
say 80% of my tasks done by the end of the day I’ll set some sort of reward for
myself such as a nice relaxing, some chocolate, a new pair of socks I don’t
know J)
whatever you feel like, but don’t cheat and use it as a consolation that you
didn’t achieve your goals that day. Find little things that motivate you
towards your higher purpose.
Desi, daca te gasesti intr-o stare
nu prea productive nu te stresa pentru ca ni se intampla tuturor. Asadar,
inveseleste-te pentru maine e o noua zi!
Daca ti-a placut aceasta postare
lasa-mi un comentariu pentru ca vreau sa revin cu articole pe aceasta tema.
However, if you find yourself in a
not very productive state don’t beat yourself about it. It happens to all of
us, so cheer up because tomorrow is a new day!
If you liked this post let me know
as I’ll be writing more on this subject :D.
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