Limita de make-up | Make-up limit

IJSBSEFPO by Denisa Roman on

Limita mea de make-up
Ce inteleg eu prin limita de make-up? Inteleg ceva ce nu as purta vreodata on a daily basis. In ceea ce priveste machiajul intotdeauna am fost o persoana destul de relaxata si nu mi-a placut sa exagerez (ma rog, depinde ce intelege fiecare prin exagerare J). Dar hai sa va explic :D. Am inceput usor usor si sincera sa fiu nici nu mai stiu sa va zic varsta la care am inceput sa ma machiez. Cert este ca in clasa a-9a am descoperit dermatograful ADA negru si a devenit cel mai bun prieten al meu J)  avand in vedere ca eram si genul de persoana care se indrepta in directia punk/emo. Liceul a fost apogeul machiajului la mine in sensul ca ma fardam mult insa nu foloseam fond de ten. Spre sfarsitul liceului urmarind foarte muuuulte (excesiv de multe) tutoriale de machiaj pe youtube m-am mai cizelat si am inceput sa experimentez cu diverse tipuri de machiaj – unele mai reusite, altele… fatalitati.
Fond de ten am pus pe fata pentru prima oara abia in anul intai de facultate si de atunci il port ocazional J pe la diverse evenimente si ocazii speciale.

 Imi place sa experimentez cu machiaj pe de o parte foarte dark si pe de o parte foarte natural si nu am nicio problema sa ies nemachiata din casa pentru ca intotdeauna am incercat sa am grija de tenul meu proetejandu-l mai intai din interior si apoi din exterior asa ca profit de ocazia asta sa va indemn inca o data sa beti multa apa si sa incercati sa duceti un stil de viata cat mai sanatos pentru ca doar asa va veti mentine fericite/fericiti la interior, iar asta se va vedea si la exterior <3

Limita ta de make-up care este? Spune-mi si foloseste tag-ul #limitademakeup
Ii multumesc Juliei Hasch ca m-a taguit sa fac aceasta postare si as vrea si eu sa vad raspunsurile Anei The Beauty Mist, Stefaniei Inlumea Stefaniei si Madalinei Departamentul de Beauty by Madalina Radu

Sper ca v-a placut aceasta postare! Xoxo, D

Let me tell you what I understand from this expression “make-up limit”. I understand that is refers to something I would never wear on a daily basis on my face. Make-up wise I have always been a relaxed person and I never overdid it with the make-up (depends on what you understand by “overdone” J). But let me explain :D I started step by step, easy and to be honest I don’t even remember the age at which I started putting make-up on my face but what I can tell you for sure is that in the 9th grade I discovered the ADA black eye pencil and it became my best friend all through highschool J given that I was also someone that was going through an emo/punk phase. Highschool was the peak of make-up for me, but I was only using eyeshadows and powder based make-up – no foundation. Towards the end of highschool I polished my skills by watching one too many make-ul tutorial videos on youtube J and I started experimenting with different types of make-up.
I started using foundations for the first time in the first year at university and since then I only use it occasionally.

 I like experimenting on the one side with really dark and grungy make-up and on the other side with really natural “no make-up make-up” J. I have absolutely no problem with going out bare faced and I feel completely comfortable because I have always tried to take care of my skin by protecting it first from the inside and only then from the outside. So I’ll take advantage of this situation to encourage you one more time to drink more water and try to have a healthy lifestyle as much as possible because that is how you maintain your inner happiness that transfers to the exterior as well!  <3

What is your limit when it comes to make-up? Let me know and use the tag #limitademakeup

Thanks Iulia for tagging me and I would also like to see the answers of Ana, Stefania and Madalina.
Hope you liked this post! Xoxo, D


  1. La o prima impresie as spune ca in machiaj nu exista nici o limita in afara aceleia a bunului simt. Multumesc frumos pentru tag si chiar o sa analizez situatia, o sa ma analizez prin prisma machijului si voi raspunde cu mare drag!

    1. Asa e cred ca asa e cel mai bine delimitat = limita bunului simt si a decentei :D astept cu nerabdare raspunsul tau

  2. Se pare ca toata lumea incepe cu Ada si Ruby rose. Mult timp am folosit aceste produse pana sa trec la un alt nivel. Cred ca pe atunci nici nu aveai prea multe alegeri de facut ... sau nu stiam eu

    1. Asa este nu erau prea mulote optiuni :D Eu mai folosesc creioanele ADA si acum pentru ca inca imi sunt utile :D


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