What I've been reading lately | Ce am mai citit in ultima vreme

Hi guys! 

Lately I've been getting back into my reading habits and so I'm going to tell you about what I've been reading in the last month or so :) These books were all on my to read list except for one that I stumbled upon in a bookshop and I thought was interesting.


In ultima vreme m-am intors la citit asa ca o sa va zic ce am mai citit in ultima luna. Aceste carti erau pe lista mea de citit in afara de una peste care am dat prin Antic ExLbris.

So the first book is The hidden benefits of being bad by Richard Stephens.  This book is a collection of study cases that the author made on exactly what the title says: about the benefits of doing this the bad way, being bad has its perks. The author touches subjects such as alcohol, sex and speed driving. I thought it was pretty cool and interesting and it also had a bit of a funny side. I recommend that you read it if you are into that sort of stuff.

Prima carte despre care vreau sa va vorbesc este The hidden benefits of being bad by Richard Stephens. Este o colectie de studii de caz pe care autorul le-a facut despre si anume exact ceea ce scrie in titlu: beneficiile comportamentului considerat de societate nepotrivit. Autorul atinge subiecte precum alcoolul, sexul si condusul cu viteza. mi s-a parut foarte interesanta si pe alocuri amuzanta. Va recomand sa o cititi daca va plac lucrurile de genul asta.

The second book I read last month was Dark Places by Gillian Flynn   and I'll only tell you this: it's the story of a girl whose family was murdered supposedly by her own brother and she goes on a quest to reveal the truth. I thought the beginning was a bit boring and so it took me a rather long time to read as I found it hard to pick it up but once I got over I really was into it and finished it really fast. Can't say I loved it but I really liked it.

A doua carte pe care am citit-o luna trecuta a fost Dark Places by Gillian Flynn  si va spun doar atat: este povestea unei fete a carei familie a fost macelarita de catre propriul frate, iar ea porneste intr-o ancheta ca sa scoata la iveala adevarul. La inceput mi s-a parut putin plictisitoare deci mi-a luat ceva mai mult sa o citesc, dar odata ce am trecut de partea mai plictisitoare am terminat-o destul de repede. Nu pot sa zic ca mi-a placut la nebunie dar a fost placuta.

Another book I read this past month was the overly hyped The Life-changing magic of tidying up: The Japanese rt of decluttering and organizing  by Marie Kondo. Damn! That is one long ass title! Almost fell asleep while writing it. I think most of you probably know by now what this book is about but I'll tell you a bit about it anyway. Marie Kondo teaches us how to get rid of all the material things that clog our psyche. I wanted to read the book because I am aspiring to become a minimalist and the book was useful up to a certain point and then it became a little annoying as some things appeared to be a little OCD to me and that doesn't seem really healthy to me. Also, I didn't agree with the chapter in which she was emphasizing that we should give thanks in a spiritual way to each item that we own. I don't know but talking to my socks everyday seems a bit ...cuckoo :)

O alta carte pe care am citit-o luna trecuta este cartea super promovata The Life-changing magic of tidying up: The Japanese rt of decluttering and organizing  by Marie Kondo. pfoa! Ce titlu lung! Aproape am adormit scriindu-l. Cred ca majoritatea dintre voi deja stiti despre ce este vorba in carte dar o sa va zic asa pe scurt. Marie Kondo ne invata cum sa scapam the lucrurile materiale care ne obstructioneaza psihicul. Am vrut sa citesc cartea pentru ca aspir la statutul de minimalist, iar cartea a fost utila pana la un punct, iar apoi a devenit putin enervanta pentru ca anumite lucruri au parut putin OCD si nu mi se pare cel mai sanatos lucru din lume. De asemenea, nu am fost de acord cu capitolul in care punea accent pe faptul ca trebuie sa oferim multumiri spirituale fiecarui obiect detinut in parte. Nu stiu despre voi, dar mie mi se pare putin...cucu!

Last but not least is The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins. I really love thrillers and I read this one really fast but it wasn't all that extraordinary.it's written in first person narrative from the points of view of the main characters. You can tell who the criminal is by the middle of the book and so the second half of the book is a bit useless. It's like the horror movies where this stupid blonde goes upstairs when she hears a noise and you're like " no, don't go in there!" and she goes in and then BOOM! All in all, it was a pleasant read for me as I enjoy reading about the disturbed and frustrated.  

Ultima carte citita este The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins. Imi plac la nebunie thrillerele si pe asta am citit-o foarte repede dar nu a fost extraordinara. E scrisa la persoana intai din punctele de vedere ale personajelor principale. Iti dai seama inca de la mijlocul cartii cine e criminalul asadar cealalta jumatate a cartii este cam degeaba, dar a fost o lectura placuta pentru ca imi place sa citesc despre oameni deranjati si frustrati.

What books have you been reading?
Voi ce carti ati mai citit?

xoxo, D

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  1. Cred ca mi-ar placea prima carte mentionata de tine. Parca-mi aminteste putin de Trainspotting si sigur mi-ar placea.

    1. Da dar trainspotting este beletristica din cate imi aduc eu aminte. Asta este doar o selectie de studii de caz :) but cool anyway


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