EN: Guys I can’t even stress how many times I’ve wanted to go somewhere nice to eat or to have drinks but felt discouraged by the person on the other end of the telephone line when I wanted to make a reservation.  I’m a weird combination between an introvert and an extrovert. Most of the people that are close to me and know me will say that I’m an extrovert but the reality is that until I become acquainted to a person I am a full on introvert and it’s really hard for me to communicate with people. Where I’m going with this is that I’m trying to say that I hate talking on the phone with strangers and people whatsoever so when my friend, Irina photo DSC_0323.jpg
told me about this new application that she and her team developed I was smitten with the idea. I’m proud to present SQUIRED the app that helps you in the process of making a reservation at the coolest places in town and hopefully it will become a national and world wide app.

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SQUIRED app has a bunch of cool features that are perfect for all you tech friendly people out there.

  • You can make reservations instantly at your favourite restaurants in town with just a few touches of your phone’s display.
  • The app automatically connects to the restaurant’s wifi during your stay there <3
  • You are invited to give your feedback of your experience at the restaurant
  • If you can’t decide where to go the app also gives suggestions based on your interests :D 

Aren’t all these features cool? Did I mention that the app is really EASY to use, user friendly and everyone is able to use it!

So go and download it because it’s already available on Android an it will also be available soon on iOS <3.

Last night was the launch party and I had a blast! I’ll leave you with some pictures from the party <3

Thanks again to Irina for inviting me and I want to congratulate the whole SQUIRED TEAM for doing such a good job ( my sister is in it too and I’m super proud <3 Raluca Roman ).

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RO: Nu pot sa subliniez de cat de multe ori am vrut sa ies in oras sa manac ceva sau sa beau ceva si m-am simtit descurajata de persoana de la capatul celalalt al firului cand am vrut sa fac o rezervare. Eu sunt o combinatie ciudata intre tipul introvertit si tipul extrovertit. Majoritatea oamenilor care imi sunt apropiati vor spune ca sunt extrovertitadar in realitate pana nu ma acomodez cu o persoana sunt o introvertita convinsasi imi e greu sa comunic cu oamenii. Unde vreau sa ajung cu aceastea este ca incec sa zic de fapt ca urasc sa vrobesc la telefon cu oameni straini si in general nu imi place sa vorbesc la telefon. Asadar cand prietena mea, Irina mi-a povestit despre aceasta noua aplicatie pe care ea si echipa ei au creat-o am indragit ideea inca de la inceput. Sunt mandra sa prezint SQUIRED - aplicatia ce te ajuta in procesul de a face o rezervare in cele mai cool locuri din oras si care sper ca va deveni o aplicatie la nivel national cat si international. 

Aplicatia SQUIRED are o gama foarte cool de specificatii perfecte pentru cei ce sunteti prieteni cu tehnologia. 

  • Poti face rezervari instant in restaurantul tau favorit cu doar cateva atingeri pe display-ul smartphone-ului tau
  • Aplicatia se conecteaza automat la wifi-ul restaurantului pe toata durata rezervarii tale
  • Esti invitat sa iti spui parerea despre experienta ta restaurant
  • Daca nu te poti decide unde vrei sa mergi aplicatia iti ofera sugestii pe baza intereselor tale 
Nu-i asa ca sunt super cool toate aceste specificatii? Am mentionat cumva si ca aplicatia este foarte usor de utilizat? Poate fi folosita de oricine! 

Asadar mergeti si downloadati-o pentru ca este disponibila pe Android si inca curand va fi si pentru iOS. 

Aseara a fost petrecerea de lansare si m-am simtit foarte bine! Va las cu cateva poze de la petrecere :D.

Vreau sa ii multumesc inca o data Irinei pentru invitatie si vreau sa o felicit pe ea cat si intreaga echipa SQUIRED pentru ca au facut o chestie foarte tare! (si sora mea face parte din echipa si sun super mandra de ea <3 Raluca Roman). 


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